We are delighted that OL has been accepted into the “Erfolgsfaktor Familie” corporate network!
What is the “Erfolgsfaktor Familie” network?
“Erfolgsfaktor Familie” means “The Family Success Factor”. The network is a centralized platform for German companies that are interested in, or are already enacting, family-friendly HR policies. It is a joint initiative between Germany’s Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The network is being funded by the European Union in the context of Germany’s “Familie und Beruf gestalten” (Shaping Family and Work) European Social Fund program.
The goal of the network is to make companies more aware of the necessity and the benefits of making work and family life more compatible. The network brings the dedication and experience of family-friendly companies more clearly into the public eye and other companies are motivated to implement ideas and measures that improve the compatibility of work and family life in their day-to-day business operations. The intention is that being family-friendly becomes the hallmark of the German economy.
What is our motivation for being part of this network?
Reconciling work and family life has been a central pillar of our human resources work for many years. As a new member of this national corporate network, we will now benefit from the experience and good practice examples of the other companies in Germany’s “Erfolgsfaktor Familie” network, which now has over 7600 members.
By displaying the logo, we want to show people inside and outside the company that reconciling work and family life is very important to us.